Monday, December 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Photos

We went to Portland to celebrate Thanksgiving and here are several of the requested photos!!
Evan is watching the Sea Lions swim back and forth at the Portland Zoo.

Here he is getting a better look at the Polar Bear.

Big Elephants!
Mom and Dad in the African Bird Exhibit.
They could squash us!
It turned out to be a bit rainy and wet...hmmm imagine that.

Evan and Mom downtown Portland for the Annual Christmas Tree lighting. It was EXTREMELY crowded down there, but the trip to the toy store made it all worth it.
Multnomah Falls.

Evan gets to do one of his favorite activities....ride the horsey!

Evan helps his dad prepare for the trip. (not really).

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Pictures! Evan loved dressing up in his little bat costume and admiring himself in the mirror.

We celebrated in Kimberly, where they had a parade and everyone marched in their costumes to the city park, there were hundreds of people there. It was great! Evan shows his dad his bat ring.

Bat goes down the slide. Carving pumpkins with Grandma Gena. Ruohan carves her first pumpkin. At the pumpkin patch. Day trip to Miracle. Balanced Rock Park.
Halloween party...there was a jumpy castle set up in the middle of the living room and Evan could not get enough of it even though some of the big kids were practically jumping right on him! Unfortunately all the other pictures I took were blurry. (Very common for me).
Evan sits in a basket of toys. At the corn maze. When you ask Evan to smile, this is the face you get. The water at Thousand Springs. Smile. Out in the yard....obviously when it was still warm outside.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Idaho Bird Observatory Visit

I have been a blog slacker later, sorry moms! These are some pictures we took over some time ago when we went over to Boise to go to Art in the Park, spend some time at IBO and take Ruohan on her first overnight camp.
Evan loved playing in the dusty dirt up on the peak.
Evan and Ayla release a songbird


While Justin watched for hawks, Evan lugged large sized rocks around.

Hawk release.

Ruohan holds a songbird.

Another songbird release.

Ruohan in charge of Molly at the Grove in Boise.


Looking at nothing in particular.

Evan meets Jay.

Ruohan's favorite picture posture.

Breakfast at Hilltop Cafe.

At home, I had to strip Evan down so that he could eat the beet soup I made. He didn't eat any of it, but he liked to play in it!
At the mall.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Crazy Things He Does

He loves doing the dishes!!