Sunday, August 9, 2009

Early Summer Pictures

Family Self-Portrait.
Evan with his Lewiston cousins, Talon and Rex up on the Northfork of the Clearwater river.

Evan eats a huge snowcone delivered by the ice cream lady with Rex and his neighbors.

Rex, Pasco, and Molly hiking into the river.

In Portland, Aunt Jana buys Evan a new sun hat.
Visit to the Enchanted Forest in Salem, Oregon.

Evan and Momma ride the train at the Enchanted Forest.

Evan and Christian rides the ferris wheel.
Evan rides the bumper boats.

He even rode on the Ice Mountain Roller Coaster with his Grandpa Gary.

And loved it. The first thing he said after coming out was "I want to do it again!"
Alice and Wonderland walk through.

Evan rides Spring while being guided by his Grandma Gena.

Evan gives Spring a shower.
Evan rides the train at the Shoshone Art Fair with Milo.

Evan loves Thurman.

And Chris

And Gerrig. We went to see them off on their moving day.

Natatlie and Dallin at Bass Lake.

Moms group at Bass Lake.

We love Bass Lake!!!

Evan's summer dental examination. He was a good sport for most of it....
Fourth of July fire works. Dad teaches Evan how to use sparklers.

He couldn't get enough!!

Fishing day at Dierkes Lake.

Dad helped Evan reel in a fish.

Then fishing became boring and plyers seemed more interesting.

Moms group field day....horseback riding on the ranch. Here Evan swings on a tire.

Cowgirls, Kaitlyn and Emerson watch the horseback riders.

Evan rides the pony 'thunderbolt' with a fairy wand in his hand.
Evan rides on the big horse with a partner.

Saddling up.

Evan was so proud of himself for catching this kitten and he loved holding it.

Evan plays in one of the boxes I packed in JUNE!!

Stacking blocks.