We have breakthrough! Evan's two bottom teeth exposed themselves last Wednesday. He was so happy about it, he was smiling all day...Ha Ha Ha!!! This picture was taken before teething began!

"I'm havin' a bad day man,"says Evan,"these teeth are killing me!!"

Evan exchanges a love pat with baby Milo.

Taking a ride in the Ergo carrier. Yay! He can finally ride on my back.
Evan, tell mom it's not your teeth that are killing you; it's that foot squished up under you. It looks like you are waving with your toes, but it is good to be versatile. Love gramma gena
Evan, your uncles Sean and Jon decided that you look more like your dad when you're scowling and more like your mom when you're smiling.
I second the uncles! Look at that!
Evan you're so adorable. I can't believe you have teeth already.
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