Sunday, February 27, 2011

Here are a couple pictures from a post I started a long time back. These next two are from Evan and Greyson's birthday party at 360 Gym and Cheer.

Evan and Rex.
Cold sunny winter day.
Evan and Josie outside on one of the first warmish winter days.

Evan and I (mostly I) made his valentines for class.
Josie and Justin.
Look at those teeth.
Look at those suspenders.
This is really scary to Sis.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Random Pictures......

Dad and kids....I'm not sure why Justin has that expression on his face.
Nice! Food face.
Josie loves banging on the computer, unfortunately it makes it very difficult to get on while she is awake.
Resting heads.
Couch sequence...I'm not sure why my camera was so hazy.

Josie investigates the mop of hair on bigfoot.
Evan opens a christmas present. We used the video camera for christmas and ended up with only a few still pictures.
Evan was ecstatic to see Santa at the library. He jumped up, put one hand on his hip and the other did a huge wave as he shouted "HI SANTA." All the other kids remained seated. I thought it was hillarious.
Downtown Lewiston Lights.
Evan and Ruohan look for a christmas tree on Craig Mountain.
Playgroup throws Josie a surprise party!
Cupcake heaven.
Getting Comfy while watching a movie.

Josie loved Evan's idea to pull her around in the tub. The only caveat.... DO NOT take her out of the tub. I repeat DO NOT take her out or you will experience the wrath of Josie!

Josie and Evan play in the leaves.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween and other stuff

Evan trying on his new halloween costume...

Evan, Josie and Justin hanging out on the couch.
Josie and I. Josie didn't get to wear her costume this year because she was really sick.
Evan carves his pumpkin with his Grandma Gena.

Preschool field trip to the Vestal's farm to get pumpkins, see animals and learn about farm equipment.
Posing with the tie-dye shirts they all made in school.

Josie trys to remove her pumpkin hat.
Surprise Picture.